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The implementation process involves three user roles (designated with an asterisk in the figure) within the SDP Vocabulary Service: the Administratoradministrator/Curatorcurator, Publisherspublishers, and Authorsauthors. Once SMaHSC agrees on the "preferred" designation, the first step is for the Curator curator to identify the content in the SDP Vocabulary Service. If the content has not been created, it is developed and added to the service. Once the content is in the service, it is marked “preferred” by the Curatorcurator. The Administrator administrator or Curator curator submits information on the newly tagged "preferred" content for the “What’s New” tab in the SDP Vocabulary Service to the SDP-V Development Teamdevelopment team, who includes it in the next update of the tool. Adding this information to the SDP Vocabulary Service will highlight the designation to users.

Additional harmonization opportunities are identified by the Administrator administrator or Curatorcurator, who searches the SDP Vocabulary Service for content similar to the newly designated "preferred" content. If similar content is located, the Administrator administrator or Curator curator notifies the program Publishers publishers of the harmonization opportunity. The program Publishers publishers promote the "preferred" content during the next tool revision cycle. They encourage Authors authors to review the content for potential applicability to the data collection instruments they are currently developing. Authors assess the content and incorporate it into their development projects where it fits. In some cases an older or different piece of content must be used in a data collection instrument. When that happens, the Author author files a business justification with the publisher to explain the continued use of non-preferred content.
