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We invite you to become involved in the agile development process underway to build a surveillance data platform with shared services for CDC programs and public health partners. Join our Surveillance Data Platform (SDP) Shared Services Listserv to learn more.

To join:

  1. Place the CDC Listserv address in the TO line of an email: LIST@CDC.GOV.
  2. Don't write anything in the subject line. The server does not read this field.
  3. On the very first line of the body section of your email, simply write: SUBSCRIBE CDCL-SDP first name last name (as appropriate).
  4. Delete your signature block if you have one preformatted in your emails; it will confuse the server and your request may disappear into cyberspace.
  5. Send your email.

You will receive an email in which you will be asked to confirm your request (security requirement to avoid spam). We look forward to having you join our SDP network of CDC programs and public health partners!