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Comment: adding question on bureau/programCode.

How do I get questions answered that aren't on this list?


Each data set is managed by its data steward. Each steward performs quality checks as appropriate for their program and center. This may vary from set to set depending on many factors, so review the metadata for more information on how the data were validated. We maintain a list data validation tools lower down on this page.

What should I set as the bureauCode and programCode on my data sets?

These values are the same for all CDC data sets. "009:20" for bureauCode specifying CDC as the publisher. "009:020" for programCode. These are specified by HHS.

Relevant Law, Rule, and Regulation


Data Validation Tools

  • - "a framework to validate tabular data. It can check the structure of your data (e.g. all rows have the same number of columns), and its contents (e.g. all dates are valid)."

List of Socrata Tutorials That I've Found Helpful
