User Roles

User Roles

ECPaaS Consumers

Service Developers

  1. Use ECPaaS as Docker runtime environment
    1. Ability to scan docker images
    2. Ability to deploy docker images built outside of ECPaaS
    3. Monitor running docker containers
  2. Use ECPaaS as development environment
    1. Ability to set up CI/CD environment

Service Operations and Support

  1. Ability to view service health
  2. Ability to support production issues
  3. Ability to monitor resources
  4. Ability to receive predictive analytics about services

Service Owner

  1. Ability to view Service usage
  2. Ability to view resource usage
  3. Ability to view cost/billing
  4. Insights for future growth

Service Security Policy and Operations

  1. Ability to set policy
  2. Ability to view image scan results
  3. Ability to monitor container runtime for vulnerabilities
  4. Ability to view compliance with policy

Service Consumers

  1. Ability to view the status of the services -- This could be a service provider responsibility instead of ECPaaS.

Anonymous Users

  1. Ability to view the capabilities of ECPaaS
  2. Benefits of using ECPaaS

ECPaaS Providers

Cluster Administrators

  1. Ability to set up and manage cluster 

Operations and Support

  1. Ability monitor health of the cluster
  2. Ability to onboard users and support service providers

Security Policy and Operations

  1. Ability to set policy
  2. Ability to monitor ECPaaS cluster for vulnerabilities


  1. Ability to view the overall usage of ECPaaS
  2. Insights for future growth

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Collaboration Spaces for Public Health Surveillance

This site is set up for CDC to collaborate with public health to improve public health surveillance and disease tracking. All information and content is draft and official content will be published through cdc.gov and appropriate channels for records management.

For more info, visit http://www.cdc.gov/surveillance

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