JSONPath Reference
JSONPath is a quick way to ask questions of the CDC Public Data Listing at https://data.cdc.gov/data.json
It's also useful for many repository data quality questions from the overall HHS department public data listing at https://www.hhs.gov/data.json
For any serious analysis, use Python, or R, or bash, but if you just want to ask quick questions, you can send data.json into a site like http://jsonpath.com/ and ask questions like:
- $..dataset[?(@.bureauCode=="009:20")].title (what are the titles of all the CDC data sets?)
- $..dataset[?(@.bureauCode=="009:20")] (what are all the CDC data sets?)
- $..dataset[?(@.bureauCode=="009:20")].keyword[*] (what are all the keywords used by CDC data sets?)
- $..dataset[?(@.bureauCode=="009:20",@.title=="VSRR Provisional Drug Overdose Death Counts")].title (what are the titles of all the CDC data sets titled VSRR Provisional Drug Overdose Death Counts? - there should only be one)
- $..dataset[?(@.title=="Monthly Page Views to CDC.gov")]
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