- HHS open data metadata feed - https://www.healthdata.gov/data.json
- National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics - Recommendations to Maximize the Value of HealthData.gov
- JASON Report "Artificial Intelligence for Health and Health Care" December, 2017 - calls out need for open data for training
- JASON Report "A Robust Health Data Infrastructure" April, 2014 - calls out need for health APIs
- Global Open Data Index
- Data.gov open data app submission form - interesting how they used google docs for citizen engagement
- Project Open Data Dashboard - metrics at the department level and HHS' report
- CIO.gov Project Open Data
- PLOS Criteria for Recommended Data Repositories
- FAIR data principles - Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable
- Supplemental Guidance on the Implementation of M-13-13 “Open Data Policy – Managing Information as an Asset” - We maintain an Enterprise Data Inventory per the guidance, but it is currently only populated with data sets hosted by Data.CDC.gov or chronicdata.cdc.gov (through Socrata federation)
- CDC/ATSDR Policy on Releasing and Sharing Data
- Texas Open Data Playbook
- Seattle Open Data Playbook
- Seattle Open Data Risk Assessment
- GSA Department Source Code Compliance Dashboard
- DKAN Advice on "Tidy Data"
- Library of Congress Recommended Formats Statement
Also, collection of visualizations found using CDC data (there are tons, this is just a partial list collected from ongoing social media interactions)
- http://flowingdata.com/2016/06/20/who-still-smokes/ \!TODO compare data.gov's JSON feed with healthdata.gov's JSON feed with Data.CDC.gov's json feed
Reference open data hosting services
- National Electronic Injury Surveillance System All Injury Program, 2013 (ICPSR 36693) @ umich.edu
- Nature.com Recommended Data Repositories
Examples of non-CDC sites scraping and hosting CDC data
- Abortion Surveillance System 2009-2013 on DataLumos.org rehosts CSV files and MMWR pdfs (without 2014 file) from CDC Reproductive Health web site